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Meeting of Dermatologists Held at MMA


The expert meeting of the Serbian Medical Society’s Section of Dermatology and Venerology organized by the Clinic of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Military Medical Academy was held at the Military Medical Academy.


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Medical Planning Course Held


Course in the field of medical planning organized by the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom was held from 11 to 15 April, 2016 in the Military Medical Training Center of the MMA.


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First ENT Surgery Live via the Internet Held at MMA


Accredited course entitled "ENT surgery live - online", organized by the MMA’s ENT Clinic with technical software support of MedApp association from Belgrade, was held from 31 March to 01 April 2016 at the MMA.


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Delegation of the Republic of Angola visited MMA


The delegation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Angola, led by Colonel Dr. Marlene Fonseca, paid a visit to the Military Medical Academy in the framework of the General Conference for planning the joint medical teams’ engagement of the Ministry of Defence, the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ohio National Guard.


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Expert Meeting of Rheumatologists


The regular meeting of Rheumatology Section of the Serbian Medical Society, organized by the Clinic for Rheumatology Military Medical Academy was held at the Military Medical Academy.


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Continuation of Cooperation between Serbia and Ohio in the Field of Military Medicine


The main planning Conference for the joint medical teams’ engagement of the Ministry of Defence RS, the Serbian Armed Forces and Ohio National Guard within the State Partnership Program was held from 22 to 24 March 2016 in the Military Medical Service Training Center of the Military Medical Academy.


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Bundeswehr Delegation Visited MMA


A three-member delegation of the Bundeswehr Medical Corps, led by Deputy Head of the Bundeswehr Central Hospital in Koblenz Colonel Dr. Christoph Rubert (Christoph Rubbert), visited the Military Medical Academy.


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Lecture on Clinical Nutrition Held at MMA


A lecture of one of the leading world experts in the field of nutrition of critically ill patients Prof. Dr Daren Heyland from the Kingston General Hospital, Canada was held at the Military Medical Academy.



So-called MMA’s Diet is not Endorsed by MMA’s Doctors


Texts about the so called MMA diet are presented on the Internet and social networks as recommendation of the Military Medical Academy’s physicians. The MMA distances itself from such texts and recommendations so that citizens would not be under misapprehension and in order to protect their health.


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Defence Attaché of Japan Visited MMA


Defence Attaché of Japan in the Republic of Serbia Colonel Taki Yoshimasa paid a visit to the Military Medical Academy in order to learn about the possibilities of military medical cooperation between the two countries.




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