
The youngest officers of the Serbian Armed Forces promoted


The youngest second lieutenants of the Serbian Armed Forces have been promoted today at the ceremony in front of the National Assembly. A number of 187 male and female cadets of the 138th class of the Military Academy and the 3rd class of the Military Medical Academy Medical Faculty received the first officer's ranks.



Diplomas awarded to a new class of military doctors


Diplomas of Integrated Academic Studies of Medicine have been presented to the cadets of the 3rd class of the Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy, the University of Defence in Belgrade at the amphitheater of the Military Medical Academy today, who will be promoted tomorrow to the medical sub lieutenants of the Serbian Armed Forces.



Arrival of professional soldiers of the medical service


Twenty-seven girls and twelve men, professional soldiers of the medical service, of the June generation, today have begun a three-month collective training for their work in the military medical institutions at the Military Medical Academy.


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Percutaneous aortic valve replacement for the first time performed successfully at MMA


At the Military Medical Academy for the first time, the replacement of aortic valve without a surgical incision was done in two patients 82 and 77 years of age who are successfully recovering.


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International cooperation of the MMA National Poison Control Center


Director of the Verifin Institute of the University of Helsinki, Prof. Paula Vanninen visited the National Poison Control Center (NPCC) of the Military Medical Academy.


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The first pulmonary thrombectomy with AngioJet device performed at MMA


The first mechanical breakdown of pulmonary clots by AngioJet system was performed at the Military Medical Academy in a patient S.J. 43 years old who has been successfully recovering.


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Czech cadets at the Medical Faculty of the MMA


Cadets of the fourth year of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Defence of the Czech Republic, within the framework of the regular practice of cadet exchange, are visiting the Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy (MF MMA) of the University of Defence in Belgrade from 6 August to 1 September 2017.


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MMA’s doctors - participants in the international course in Shanghai


Three doctors of the Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Military Medical Academy, Assistant Professor Dr. Zorica Brdareski, Lt Col Dr. Dejan Ilic and Dr. Maja Pavlovic participated in the international course of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine which was held from July 14 to 21, 2017 in Shanghai, the People's Republic of China.



Minister Vulin visited injured workers from Lucani


Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin, accompanied by the Acting Head of the Military Healthcare Department, Colonel Dr. Ugljesa Jovicic, and the Acting Head of the Military Medical Academy Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic, visited workers who were injured yesterday when a technological fire in the factory for the production of rocket fuel at the factory "Milan Blagojevic-Namenska" in Lucani happened.


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Military Health the Pride of the Nation


The members of military health are the pride of the Armed Forces, and the pride of the nation which boasts the people it educated, the people it nurtured and the people who take care of it.




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