
Austrian Military Medical Delegation in the Visit to the MMA


‘’We can be satisfied with excellent relationships we have had with Austrian Military Medical Services in the previous period; however, we would direct our additional efforts towards making it much better and comprehensive. That will be much easier if we get to know one another much better’’, said the MMA’s Head, Major General Prof. Dr. Miodrag Jevtić welcoming the delegation of the Austrian Armed Forces. Within the bilateral cooperation framework established between those two countries, the Austrian delegation was paying an official visit to our Military Medical Services during which it would be in a 2-day visit to the Military Medical Academy.



Novak Đoković: „МMA is the Real Serbian Brand!“


Celebrated Serbian tennis player and one of the best known citizens in the world, Novak Đoković and his family paid a visit to His Holiness, Serbian Patriarch Pavle at the Military Medical Academy, where His Holiness has been treated.



Leaders in Serbian Oral Implantology


The MMA’s implantologists Col. Assist. Prof. Dr. Novak Stamatović and Assist. Prof. Dr. Smiljana Matić are the authors of the book titled ‘’The Basis of the Oral Implantology’’.



In the Glory of the Serbian Science: Ecology, Health, Sport and Human Environment


On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Milutin Milanković, a Serbian scientist who obligated the humanity with the cannon on global warming and its effects on climate change and ice era creation, the International Scientific Meeting on Ecology, Work, Health and Human Envinronment was held in Banja Luka. Participation of the MMA’s experts Elizabeta Ristanović, Sonja Radaković, Srđan Lazić and Nikola Čikiriz gave a considerable contribution to that event.



New Class of the Reserve Officers School of the Medical and Veterinary Services


All those who have entered holly premises of this temple of medical profession and science either as graduated students of the Reserve Officers School of the Medical and Veterinary Services or as students who are to master medical and military skills will be offered the privilege of extending their knowledge base, acquiring new professional and scientific knowledge, thus gaining higher quality. In the institution of such rank, in this City of Medicine, we will teach you military medical skills, how to respect the doctrine, be specifically committed to our Armed Forces, our people and this institution.



8 years of cooperation between the MMA and the Congress Library in Washington D.C.


Mr. Miliša Petronijević from the Congress Library in Washington D.C. paid a visit to the Military Medical Academy. Thanks to him, the MMA has excellent 8-year long cooperation with the best-known library in the world. Based on that cooperation, the MMA’s library got several hundreds of the most important monographs covering all the fields of medicine, pharmacy and dental medicine.



More than 200.000 examinations and interventions performed at the Outpatient Diagnostic Center


Within the first 6 months of 2009, the MMA’s Outpatient Diagnostic Center performed over 160.888 specialist examinations and 45.985 various complex diagnostic procedures on ambulatory patients. Out of that number, 130.412 specialist examinations and 32.311 diagnostic procedures refer to the military patients



The Military Medical Academy won the gold medal at the Universiade


‘’Successful people do not praise themselves, the results of their actions speak louder than words’ said the head of the MMA’s head, Major General Prof. Dr. Miodrag Jevtić in his address to the medical personnel engaged in providing medical support to the Universiade 2009.



A marked increase in the number of acute mushroom poisoning


A significant increase in number of acute mushroom poisoning was observed over the recent period. Since July 1, 2009, there have been 20 patients with acute mushroom poisoning hospitalized at the Clinic for Emergency and Clinical Toxicology of the MMA’s Poison Control Center.



Enrollment in the MMA’s School for Advanced Studies is completed


The enrollment of the first-year students in the MMA’s School for Advanced Studies who passed the entrance examination and met all admission requirements was completed. The entrants of the MMA’s Advanced Studies School , ten young women and eight men, were given a warm welcome by the MMA’s head, Major General Prof. Dr. Miodrag Jevtić. In addition to congratulations on the achieved results, the students were thoroughly informed about the obligations they are to take from the September 1, already.




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