
MMA – a Part of Europe

22.01.2010 | Top news, International Cooperation

On January 21st, in nine clinics of the Military Medical Academy, a survey was conducted within the framework of the project devoted to „Nutrition Day in European Hospitals“, which was initiated by the European Society for Parental and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN) and Austrian Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, sponsored by the European Council and conducted every year in health care centers across our continent.On January 21st, in nine clinics of the Military Medical Academy, a survey was conducted within the framework of the project devoted to „Nutrition Day in European Hospitals“, which was initiated by the European Society for Parental and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN) and Austrian Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, sponsored by the European Council and conducted every year in health care centers across our continent.



Universiade 2009 – Continuation of Activities

14.01.2010 | Top news

Members of the Organizing Committee of the 27th World Summer Universiade to be held in 2013, in Kazan, the Russian Province of Tatarstan, paid a visit to the Military Medical Academy to exchange experiences in providing medical support to this sport manifestation.



Universal Values in the Service of Health

13.01.2010 | Top news

The exhibition of paintings dedicated to the monastery of Hilandar was opened in the MMA’s gallery in the presence of a large number of the MMA’s members and representatives of Serbian culture life.



Keeping Pace with the World: St.Marry Hospital and MMA

04.01.2010 | Top news, International Cooperation

Under the decision of the MMA’s Management Board and upon the invitation of Prof. Dr. John Wolf, an eminent Britain vascular surgeon and president of the European Association of Vascular Surgeons, Major Ivan Marjanović, a physician from the MMA’s Clinic for Vascual Surgery underwent advanced training program in St. Marry Royal Hospital in London (Great Britain) from September to December, 2009.



Happy New Year!

30.12.2009 | Top news

On behalf of the MMA’s employees, the MMA’s head, Major General Prof. Dr. Miodrag Jevtić wished a Happy New Year to all of the patients, partners and colleagues, and with the message DEEDS, NOT WORDS (Res, Non Verba) wished all of them everything best in the year to come.



Successful Birth Given by the Kidney Transplant Patient

28.12.2009 | Top news

The expert teams from the Military Medical Academy and the Institute of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Serbian Clinical Center attended successful birth given by a patient R.J. who underwent kidney transplant surgery in 2004, since when she had been under constant monitoring of the MMA’s experts.



Minister of Defence Opened a New Angio Room and Talked to the MMA’s Students

25.12.2009 | Top news

Minister of Defense Mr. Dragan Šutanovac with his associates paid a visit to the Military Medical Academy, where he officially opened a new Angio Room, the most sophisticated equipment for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in Vascular- Interventional Radiology.



A New Year Reception for Media Representatives at the MMA

23.12.2009 | Top news

A traditional New Year Reception for journalist was held at the Military Medical Academy in the presence of the representatives of the most prominent Serbian media houses.



The 7th Liver Transplantation Performed at the MMA

22.12.2009 | Top news

Last night, the MMA’s transplantation team in close coordination with the colleagues from the Niš Clinical Center performed three cadaveric organ transplantations.



Strengthening of the MMA’s International Reputation

20.12.2009 | Top news, International Cooperation

The international reputation of the Military Medical Academy is becoming increasingly stronger, and its position on the scientific and professional European and world’s map clearly recognizable, what is confirmed by intensive activities and meetings taking place in our institution over recent days.




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