
Excellent Serbian-Norwegian Cooperation in the Field of Military Medicine

16.11.2011 | Top news, International Cooperation

The Joint Steering Board and the Joint Working Group for military medical cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Kingdom of Norway hold their regular annual consultation meeting at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade.



Biosecirity and Biosafety Course

16.11.2011 | Top news

The Course on biosecurity and biosafety titled „Leadership Course in Biosecurity/Biosafety Planning and Implementation’, at which Col Asst. Prof. Srđan Lazić from the Epidemiology Institute of the MMA’s Preventive Medicine Sector participated, was hold in San Antonio (U.S.A.), in the organization of the Defense Institute for Medical Operations (DIMO).



The Donation of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade Presented to MMA

10.11.2011 | Top news, International Cooperation

The head of the Military Medical Academy, Col. Prof. Dr. Marijan Novaković, and the U.S. Ambassador Mary Warlick carried out the official ceremony of handing over $100000- worth of the U.S. Embassy’s donation to the MMA.



The Rector of the Defense University in the Visit to MMA

10.11.2011 | Top news

At the invitation of the head of the Military Medical Academy, Col. Prof. Dr. Marijan Novaković and the dean of the MMA’s Medical School, Col. Prof. Dr Miodrag Čolić, the rector of the Defense University, Maj.Gen. Prof. Dr. Miodrag Jevtić paid an official visit to the Military Medical Academy.



Cooperation with the European Union - Implementation of Convention on Prohibition of Biological Weapons

07.11.2011 | Top news, International Cooperation

The Delegation of the EU Geneva Office, composed of Dr. Lorna Miler and Mr. Frank Meusen paid a visit to the Military Medical Academy. The aim of their visit was the continuation of cooperation in the field of implementation of Convention on Prohibition of Biological Weapons.



Czech Delegation at the MMA

02.11.2011 | Top news, International Cooperation

The Delegation of the Institute of Sport and Physical Culture of the Czech Republic Ministry of Defense led by Dr. Libor Soumar has paid a visit to the Military Medical Academy today. The visit was carried out within the framework of the bilateral international cooperation in the area of NBC protection.



Letter of Thanks to MMA Awarded by the Serbian Health Worker Association

02.11.2011 | Top news

The First Class Congress of the Serbian Association of Health Workers titled ‘’I can, I want, I know’’ was held on Zlatibor, on October 26-30, 2011.



The MMA’s Chest Surgeons at Professional Advanced Training in Slovenia

02.11.2011 | Top news, International Cooperation

The member of the MMA’s Clinic for Chest Surgery, Maj.Dr Nebojša Marić underwent professional advanced training in minimally invasive thoracic surgery and the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, in the "KOPA" hospital in Golnik, Republic of Slovenia, from September 05 to October 31, 2011. The mentor of the MMA’s doctor was a renowned Slovenian thoracic surgeon Dr. Marko Bitenc.



A New Angiography Unit at the Military Medical Academy

21.10.2011 | Top news

Minister of Defense Dragan Šutanovac officially opened a new angiography suite in the MMA’s Center for cardiovascular pathology. Since today, the capacities of the Center will be extended to allow for performance of 1 000 procedures a year as well as the state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures, and the treatment of cardiovascular diseases according to the highest standards.



Two Jubilees at the Military Medical Academy

20.10.2011 | Top news

Today, the Military Medical Academy has celebrated two important jubillees, one to commemorate one hundredth anniversary of the birth of the Academician, Gen. Dr. Gojko Nikoliš, and the other to mark the 30th birthay of the MMA’s facility. On that occasion, the portrait bust of Dr. Gojko Nikoliš, one of the men who deserves the most credit for establishing this hospital, has been unveiled. The bust is the work of Mr. Vladimir Jokanović.




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