
MMA Patient Drawing Exhibition Announcement

05.03.2020 | Events

An exhibition of drawings created as part of the collaboration between the Day Hospital of the Psychiatric Clinic of the Military Medical Academy and the Art Brut Serbia Association will open on Friday, March 6, 2020 at 8 pm in the Belgrade Street Gallery (Čavket passage, Belgrade).


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24 sata

03.03.2020 | MMA in the media



Ceremony marking the 176th anniversary of the Military Medical Academy

02.03.2020 | Top news

The ceremony marking the Day of the Military Medical Academy and the 176th anniversary of this military medical, educational and scientific research institution was held this evening at the Guard House in „Topčider“ barracks.



A new operating room at the Military Medical Academy after 15 years

02.03.2020 | Top news

Fifteen years after the foundation of the Day Surgery Centre of the Military Medical Academy Polyclinic, a new operating room has been opened and the existing premises have been renovated.



Free of charge examinations ahead of MMA Day

28.02.2020 | Top news

The Military Healthcare Department, in cooperation with the Military Medical Academy, on the eve of March 2 - MMA Day, organized a traditional action of free of charge specialist examinations.



After 30 years, a new shock room at the MMA

04.02.2020 | Top news

- The Military Medical Academy is certainly one of the most respected healthcare institutions in our entire system, not only in the military sector, but in the civilian sector as well, and not only in Serbia, but beyond.


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Minister Vulin: Investments in military health care are investments in the quality of life of every citizen of Serbia

05.01.2020 | Top news

Investments in military health care are investments in the quality of life of every citizen of Serbia, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said after a tour of the Military Medical Academy, where six new ambulances of the Military Healthcare Department were presented.


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Permanent employment for 243 military health personnel

29.11.2019 | Top news

With the decision of the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin on direct admission to permanent employment, military health system was reinforced by 243 persons, who were handed a decision on admission to service on full time contract basis at a ceremony held at the Military Medical Academy.



The Republic of Korea Donated Medical Equipment to the MMA in the Value of 200,000 US Dollars

22.11.2019 | Top news

A signing ceremony of the Protocol on Donation of medical equipment of the Republic of Korea to the Military Medical Academy was held in the presence of the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin.



Marked 110 Years of Military Infectology

19.11.2019 | Top news

The jubilee of 110 years of military infectology and the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Clinic of the Military Medical Academy was marked by a festive gathering in the MMA amphitheater.




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