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Donation of Medical Equipment from PR China for the Military Health System

16.07.2020 | Top news, International Cooperation

- The Ministry of Defence of the People's Republic of China and Central Military Commission have once again helped our people, our country and the Serbian Armed Forces.


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The Serbian Armed Forces Set up a Field Hospital in Novi Pazar

04.07.2020 | Top news

Upon the order of the President of Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić, the Serbian Armed Forces set up a military field hospital in Novi Pazar aimed at more efficient fight against the corona virus epidemic whose scale in that town has become rather serious.


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Donation of members of the medical team from the People's Republic of China to the Military Healthcare Department

02.06.2020 | Top news, International Cooperation

Members of the medical team from the People's Republic of China who are engaged in providing assistance in curbing the Covid-19 epidemic on the territory of the Republic of Serbia have donated today an apparatus for increased removal of secretions from the respiratory tract to the Military Healthcare Department.


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Promotions and awards to the most deserving members in the fight against Covid-19

28.05.2020 | Top news

Minister Vulin: Serbia has armed forces that are capable of defeating both visible and invisible enemies


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Appeal to Voluntary Blood Donors

28.05.2020 | Events

In the past two weeks, over 30 members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces voluntarily donated blood at the Institute of Transfusiology and Hemobiology of the Military Medical Academy.


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The International Day of Nursing Marked at the Military Medical Academy

12.05.2020 | Top news

The International Day of Nursing was marked at the Military Medical Academy.


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Minister Vulin: The military health care has shown its worth in these difficult times

27.04.2020 | Top news

The Military Medical Academy and the military health care have shown their worth and will continue fighting until the end of the battle against Covid-19, the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin said after a visit to the Military Medical Academy today.



Russian military experts disinfected the Military Medical Academy

09.04.2020 | Top news, International Cooperation

Military experts from the NBC units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation disinfected the Military Medical Academy.




25.03.2020 | Top news

The National Poison control Center at the Military Medical Academy (NCKT VMA) has significantly increased the number of consultative calls from both citizens and healthcare professionals regarding primarily accidental exposure (ingestion, inhalation) to disinfectants, predominantly Asepsol (benzalkonium chloride).



Minister Vulin with the Chinese doctors: Friendship made of steel

24.03.2020 | Top news, International Cooperation

The Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin met today at the Military Medical Academy with the six-member team of medical experts from the People's Republic of China, who are staying in the Republic of Serbia with the aim of helping us combat the coronavirus epidemic with their knowledge and experience.




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