
Emergencies in Neurology, Infectology and Pulmology

01.10.2013 | Top news,

Military Medical Training Center of the MMA Sector for Education and Scientific Research will organize the course “Emergencies in Neurology, Infectology and Pulmology” scheduled to take place on 14th and 15th May, 2013 at the Military Medical Academy.


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Dartavelle Approach to Pancoast Tumors Surgery at MMA

24.09.2013 | Top news

The Clinic for Chest Surgery of the Military Medical Academy performed anterior transcervical technique for resecting Pancoast tumors (Dartevelle approach) in female patient S.N. (age 37). Patient is in stable general condition successfully recovering from operation.



MMA Representative Becomes ESVS National Delegate

22.09.2013 | Top news, International Cooperation

On the occasion of European Society for Vascular Surgery Annual Meeting organized in Budapest, Hungary, during September 18-21, 2013, Military Medical Academy was presented with the Head of the MMA Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Lt. Col. Asst. Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Tomic and Head of the MMA Vascular and Endovascular Ward Lt. Col. Dr. Ivan Marjanovic.


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Autumn Health Festival and MMA

18.09.2013 | Top news

Military Medical Academy will be one of the participants at the Autumn Health Festival scheduled to take place in Dom Omladine, 22 Makedonska St., Belgrade during September 21st-22nd, 2013.


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MMA at the World Congress of Neurosurgery

13.09.2013 | Top news, International Cooperation

Head of the MMA Clinic for Neurosurgery Colonel Prof. Dr. Zoran Roganovic participated as lecturer on call at XV WFNS World Congress of Neurosurgery which took place in Seoul, Korea during September 8-12, 2013.



MMA at the Congress of Dermatovenerologists in Macedonia

12.09.2013 | Top news, International Cooperation

Macedonian Dermatovenerologic Society gathered numerous international participants, among them representatives of the MMA Clinic for Dermatovenerology, on the occasion of the V Congress of Dermatovenerologists of Macedonia taking place in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, during September 4-7, 2013.



Emergencies in Hematology, Toxicology and Dermatovenerology

05.09.2013 | Top news,

Military Medical Training Center of the MMA Sector for Education and Scientific Research will be the host of the course “Emergencies in Hematology, Toxicology and Dermatovenerology” scheduled to take place at the Military Medical Academy during September 17-18, 2013.



Radiofrequency Ablation

05.09.2013 | Top news

Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery of the Military Medical Academy performed the radiofrequency ablation procedure used in a treatment of varicose veins. A valuable contribution in medical practice of vascular system pathology has been made by this state-of-the-art intervention currently carrying out in world medical centers.


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Bilje i zdravlje

23.08.2013 | MMA in the media



Latest News from the Military Medical Academy

13.08.2013 | Top news

The end of July 2013, Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery of the Military Medical Academy successfully performed open repair of thoracoabdominal aneurysm in 49-year-old male patient with the initials N.I.




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