
Annual Awards for the Best Scientific Papers

11.04.2014 | Top news

Celebrating the Day of Serbian Armed Forces, Central Military Club hosted the annual award ceremony for the best scientific research project, Ph.D thesis and master work within the Defence Ministry and Serbian Armed Forces and the best article published in the magazine “Vojno delo”.



Akademac in Tournament Semifinals "Playing for Sixteen"

10.04.2014 | Events, Top news

MMA Football Club Akademac placed among the semifinal teams in memorial tournament of Radio Television of Serbia named "Playing for Sixteen" which gathered 162 teams.


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Sport Activities of the MMA Medical Faculty Cadets

10.04.2014 | Top news

Cadets from the MMA Medical Faculty are participating at Defence Ministry open championship which started on April 7, 2014 with the solemn opening ceremony at the Military Academy stadium.



MMA Pathology Method of Operation

10.04.2014 | Top news

Continuous medical education course titled “Method of Operations in Histopathological, Cytological and Cytogenetic Laboratories” within the framework of “Nenad Jeremic Memorial”, organized by the MMA Institute of Pathology and Forensic Medicine and Serbian Health Council was held at the Military Medical Academy on April 9, 2014.


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New Editorial Board of the Military Medical Review

04.04.2014 | Top news

Constitutive meeting of new editorial board of the magazine Military Medical Review was held on Thursday, April 3rd, 2014 in the premises of the MMA Institute of Scientific Information.



Public Health Emergences Human Assistance and Disaster Response

04.04.2014 | Top news

Military Medical Academy hosted today in the scientific research council room the ceremony of presenting certificates to the trainees successfully completed the course "Public Health Emergences Human Assistance and Disaster Response", organized in collaboration with the United States Armed Forces.



Defence Minister Visited the Deployable Medical Facility of the Military Medical Academy

04.04.2014 | Top news

Nebojsa Rodic, Defence Minister in the caretaker government, accompanied by State Secretary Zoran Djordjevic, have visited today the Light Field Hospital Role 2, which is a part of the Military Medical Training Center of the MMA Sector for Education and Scientific Research.



Course on Osteoarthritis

03.04.2014 | Events, Top news

Professional meeting titled "Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal System Injuries as Rehabilitation Problem" organized by the MMA Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Serbian Association of Medical Nurses-Technicians in Rehabilitation and Rheumatology Serbia will be held at the Military Medical Academy on April 10, 2014.



PTSP Discussed with German Psychiatrists

03.04.2014 | Top news, International Cooperation

Bundeswehr working group, visiting the Republic of Serbia within the framework of organized bilateral military collaboration with the Federal Republic of Germany, paid a visit to the Military Medical Academy.


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New Method at the MMA Institute of Radiology

02.04.2014 | Top news

Professional team of the Vascular Interventional Radiology Department of the MMA Institute of Radiology collaborating with the physicians from the Clinic for Emergency Internal Medicine and Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery introduced new treatment procedure in its routine practice.




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