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Symposium on Serbian Military Medical Service in World War I

30.09.2014 | Top news

Symposium covering the topic of the Serbian military medical service in the First World War, organized by Military Healthcare Department and Academy of Medical Sciences of the Serbian Medical Society took place at the Military Medical Academy.


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New Academic Year at the MMA Medical Faculty

29.09.2014 | Top news

Solemn occasion of new academic year, starting at the MMA Medical Faculty of the Defence University in Belgrade was marked today at the Military Medical Academy.



International Course on Esthetic Surgery at the MMA

29.09.2014 | Events, Top news

Military Medical Academy will be the host of the first category course named "Application of Innovative Products in the Field of Esthetic Surgery - Silhouette Soft, PureGraft 250" organized by the MMA Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Burns and Serbian Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons scheduled for October 4th, 2014.



Serbian Military Medical Service in World War I

29.09.2014 | Events

Symposium titled "Military Medical Service in World War I" organized by the Military Healthcare Department of the Defence Ministry and Medical Sciences Academy of Serbian Medical Society will take place in MMA amphitheater Tuesday, September 30th, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 02.30 p.m.



MMA Participates at the Autumn Health Festival

24.09.2014 | Events

Military Medical Academy will participate at the Autumn Health Festival taking place at Dom Omladine, Belgrade during September 25-26, 2014 under this year motto "All the best".



5th International Symposium of Ophthalmologists Delivered at MMA

19.09.2014 | Top news

Traditional symposium with international participation titled "New Concept in Ophthalmic Surgery" organized by the MMA Clinic for Ophthalmology, Serbian Vitreoretinal Society and Serbian Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery was held on September 19th, 2014 at the Military Medical Academy.


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World Endoscopy "Ambassadors" visited MMA

17.09.2014 | Top news, International Cooperation

Three-day international meeting "ASGE Ambassador Program" organized by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Serbian Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and the MMA Clinic for Gastroenterology and Hepathology started today at the Military Medical Academy.


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Rector of Slovak Armed Forces Academy at the MMA

15.09.2014 | Top news, International Cooperation

Rector of Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Brig. Gen. Boris Ďurkech accompanied by the Slovak Republic military representative in the Republic of Serbia Colonel Joseph Vistavel visited the MMA Medical Faculty of the Belgrade Defence University.


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Announcing the International Gastroenterology Meeting at the MMA

12.09.2014 | Events, Top news

The International Gastroenterology Meeting known as ASGE Ambassador Program will be held at the Military Medical Academy during September 17-19, 2014.



Ohio National Guard Commander at the MMA

12.09.2014 | Top news, International Cooperation

Within the framework of an official visit made to the Defence Ministry of the Republic of Serbia military commander of Ohio National Guard Major General Deborah Ashenhurst accompanied by her associates met today, September 12, 2014, with the representatives of the Military Medical Academy.




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