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About Hemodialysis at MMA

12.12.2014 | Top news

Military Medical Academy’s Clinic for Nephrology organized a symposium dedicated to problems and perspectives of hemodialysis in our country.



Cardiac Electrophysiology Room Opening

11.12.2014 | Events

Professional meeting organized on the occasion of launching Cardiac Electrophysiology Room at the Military Medical Academy will be held on December 12th, 2014 with the beginning at 12.00 a.m. in the MMA amphitheater.



Britain Surgeon Delivers Lecture on Transplantation

10.12.2014 | Events

Professor Nadey Hakim from Hammersmith Hospital, London, Great Britain will deliver the lecture covering the topic of kidney and pancreas transplantations and new treatment methods of pathological obesity on Friday December 12th, 2014 at 02.30 p.m. in MMA Teaching-Scientific Council room.



Announcing the Symposium "Hemodialysis 2014"

10.12.2014 | Events

Nephrology Symposium presenting the problems and perspectives of hemodialysis in Serbia under the organization of the MMA Clinic for Nephrology will be held on Friday December 12th, 2014 between 09.00 a.m. and 02.00 p.m. within the premises of the MMA Teaching-Scientific Council room.



Nutritional Management of Surgical Patients

10.12.2014 | Events

Military Medical Academy will be the host of the Symposium presenting the topic Nutritional management of surgical patients organized by the Serbian Medical Society’s Section for Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy and MMA Clinic for Anesthesiology and Critical Care.


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Italian Delegation Visited MMA

10.12.2014 | Top news, International Cooperation

Two-member delegation of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Italy composed of Frigate Captain Dr. Gallino Michele and Frigate Captain Dr. Nesco Cosimo officially visiting Military Healthcare Department of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, paid a visit today to Military Medical Academy.



About "A Test"

09.12.2014 | Top news

An expert meeting of the Serbian Medical Society’s Section for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation operating within the framework of the Military Medical Academy was held at the MMA.



Detection of Urgent Conditions

05.12.2014 | Top news

Meeting covering the topic of diagnosing urgent conditions organized by the Serbian Medical Society’s Radiology Section and MMA Institute of Radiology was held at the Military Medical Academy.


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Students Pharmacists Awarded at MMA

02.12.2014 | Top news

Military Medical Academy hosted today a scientific conference dedicated to life and work of Professor Ivan Berkes, under the organization of Serbian Society of Medical Biochemists and co-organization of the Scientific Fund “Professor Ivan Berkes” and MMA Institute of Medical Biochemistry.



Signed Protocol on American Donation at MMA

01.12.2014 | Top news, International Cooperation

Today at the Military Medical Academy, U.S. donation protocol for realization of DHAAP Program for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control in Serbian Armed Forces has been signed.




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