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20.06.2017 | Continuation of good results at the MMA

A mechanical, catheter-based thrombectomy was successfully performed in a 56-year-old patient at the Military Medical Academy, in cooperation with colleagues from the Institute of Lung Diseases Sremska Kamenica.

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19.06.2017 | Exchange of knowledge in the field of histology and embryology

A member of the Military Medical Academy, Assistant Professor Dr. Biserka Vukomanovic Djurdjevic, from the Institute of Pathology and Forensic Medicine, participated in the international symposium Novi Sad Days of Histology and Embryology held on June 17, 2017, at the Medical Faculty of the University of Novi Sad.

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19.06.2017 | Cooperation potentials with Japan

H.E. Ambassador of Japan in Belgrade, Juichi Takahara, with associates, visited the Military Medical Academy in order to establish cooperation in the field of research, innovation, and application of modern technologies in medicine.

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09.06.2017 | MMA’s Slava celebration

Slava day of the chapel of Saint Luka at the Military Medical Academy was celebrated with the solemn liturgy.

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09.06.2017 | About continuation of military medical cooperation with the Kingdom of Norway

The meeting of the Joint Working Group and the Steering Committee within the military medical cooperation of the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Serbia was held at the Military Medical Academy.

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09.06.2017 | Possibilities of military medical cooperation with Poland

Chief of Medical Service of the Armed Forces of Poland, Brigadier General Stanislaw Zmudz visited the Military Medical Academy.


08.06.2017 | The unique liver surgery performed at MMA

Complex surgical procedure during which the transposition of liver blood vessels and the inferior vena cava was done and created new bloodstream to the heart placing a 25-cm prosthetic graft was successful performed at the Military Medical Academy.

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08.06.2017 | Transfusiologists from Slovenia visited MMA

Five representatives of the Institute of Transfusion Medicine in Ljubljana, Slovenia, led by a professional director Dr. Polonca Mali visited the Institute of Transfusion and hemobiology of the Military Medical Academy.

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07.06.2017 | Commander of Ohio National Guard at MMA

The commander of the Ohio National Guard Major General Mark E. Bartman, who was paying a visit with his associates to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, met with representatives of the Military Healthcare at the Military Medical Academy.


07.06.2017 | First uniportal video-assisted pneumonectomy performed at MMA

Uniportal video-assisted pneumonectomy was successfully performed at the Military Medical Academy in a 71 year old female patient.



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