
29.11.2017 | MMA delegation at the World Congress on Military Medicine

Delegation of the Military Healthcare Department of the Ministry of Defense, composed of the Acting Head of the Military Medical Academy Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic and Head of the National Poison Control Centre MMA Prof. Dr. Slavica Vucinic, participated in the 42nd ICMM World Congress on Military Medicine. The Congress, organized by the International Committee for Military Medicine (MCVM) and the General Assembly of the ICMM, was held from November 19 to 24, 2017 in New Delhi, India.


28.11.2017 | Participation of MMA staff at the Congress of Neurologists of Serbia

Neurologists of the MMA led by the Head of the Group of Neuropsychiatric Clinics Colonel Prof. Dr. Ranko Raicevic, also a president of the Society of Serbian Neurologists, participated in the XVII Congress of Neurologists of Serbia with international participation held from November 24 to 26, 2017 in Belgrade.

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20.11.2017 | Annual meeting of hematologists on stem cell transplantation

Symposium, devoted to the complications and reasons of failure in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation organized by the Military Medical Academy Hematology Clinic, was held in the Military Medical Academy.

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20.11.2017 | Awards in the field of nuclear medicine

The awarding of the "Milovan Antic" and "Vladimir Bosnjakovic, organized by the Serbian Association of Nuclear Medicine and the Institute of Nuclear Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, was held at the Military Academy.

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17.11.2017 | Spirometry examinations on the occasion of the Day against COPD

The World Day against Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) organized by the expert team of the MMA Pulmology Clinic was marked at the Military Medical Academy.


16.11.2017 | Plaque award from the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina to MMA

At the ceremonial academy dedicated to the 40 years of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina, the Military Medical Academy was awarded a plaque for cooperation, support and friendship between the two institutions. A plaque, as a sign of gratitude for long-lasting successful cooperation, was received by the Acting Head of the MMA Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic.


16.11.2017 | Participation of MMA in the prevalence study of hospital infections

In November, the Military Medical Academy has begun its participation in the Fourth National Study of the Prevalence of Hospital Infections.

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10.11.2017 | Advanced neurological technique introduced into MMA’s clinical practice

Two interventions for removing thrombus from the occluded blood vessel in the acute ischemic stroke were successfully performed at the Military Medical Academy.

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09.11.2017 | Chief of Defence of the Armed Forces of Romania at MMA

During the official visit to the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, Chief of Defence of the Armed Forces of Romania General Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă with the delegation visited the Military Medical Academy.


31.10.2017 | MMA at the Autumn Health Festival

The Military Medical Academy will participate in the autumn Health Festival, which will be held from November 2nd to 3rd, 2017, at Dom Vojske in Belgrade (19 Brace Jugovic Street).



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