
03.04.2015 | Melanoma: New Solutions, New Dilemmas

The course titled "Melanoma: new solutions, new dilemmas", organized by the Intersectional Committee for melanoma of the Serbian Medical Society and the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Serbian Medical Society and the Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Burns MMA was held at the Military Medical Academy.


02.04.2015 | Book "Acclimatization to Extreme Conditions" and Film "Prevention of Natural Focal Infections in the Serbian Armed Forces" Solemnly Presented

Central Military Club was the venue of the MMA Medical Faculty manual "Acclimatization to extreme conditions" by Prof. Dr. Sonja Radakovic, Head of the Preventive Medicine Sector MMA and documentary teaching film "Prevention of natural focal infections in the Serbian Armed Forces”, script written by Colonel Prof. Dr. Radovan Cekanac, Assistant Head MMA.

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02.04.2015 | Tunisian Delegation at MMA

Five-member delegation of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Tunisia, led by Senior Colonel Abdelkader Adouni which is here in the working visit to the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, paid a visit today to the Military Medical Academy.

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30.03.2015 | On Modern Approach to Surgical Treatment of Middle Ear Disease at MMA

The accredited international course of the first category called "Modern approach to the surgical treatment of the middle ear disease", organized by the ENT Clinic of the Military Medical Academy, in collaboration with the Academic Association of ENT Clinic of northwest Switzerland and the ENT BAL International Association, was held at the Military Medical Academy.

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30.03.2015 | New Monograph on Surgery of Abdominal Aorta

The monograph entitled "Surgical treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm" by Lt. Col. Assistant Dr. Ivan Marjanovic, Head of Cabinet of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Military Medical Academy was published in the library "Special Edition" of Andrejevic Foundation publishing house.

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27.03.2015 | Innovations in Bronchoscopy

The Bronchoscopy workshop with the international participation, organized by the Pneumophtisiology Section of the Serbian Medical Society, and the Pulmonology Clinic, Military Medical Academy, was held at the Military Medical Academy.

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25.03.2015 | US Lecturers on Ebola Virus Outbreak

Within the bilateral defense cooperation with the USA and in cooperation with the USA Defense Attache Office in Belgrade, the International Health Specialist for the USAFE Surgeon General Lt. Col Jerry Michael Cline and the Infectious Disease Staff Physician at Landsthul Regional Medical Center Major Elizabeth Ann Rini held two day course on the Ebola virus outbreak at the Military Medical Academy.

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24.03.2015 | Marking 16th Anniversary of NATO Bombing

Marking the 16th anniversary since the beginning of the NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia staff members of the Military Medical Academy held a moment of silence paying a tribute to the fallen members of the Ministry of Defence, the Serbian Armed Forces and to civilian victims.


17.03.2015 | Medical Check-ups for Citizens at Health Festival

The Military Medical Academy will participate in the spring Health Festival which, under the slogan "Do something good for your health", will be held at Dom omladine on March 19 and 20, 2015 in Belgrade.


17.03.2015 | Course "Life-threatening Conditions in Internal Medicine - Cardiology and Anesthesiology with Intensive Therapy"

Course "Life-threatening conditions in internal medicine - cardiology and anesthesiology with intensive therapy" organized by the Military Medical Service Training Center, Sector for Education and Scientific Research at the Military Medical Academy, will be held from 26th to 27th March 2015 in the Amphitheater of the MMA.



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