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24.04.2015 | Meeting of Dermatologist at MMA

Meeting of Dermatovenerology Section of the Serbian Medical Society and the Association of Dermatovenerologists of the Republic of Serbia organized by the Clinic for Dermatology and Venereal Diseases, Military Medical Academy was held at the MMA.

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23.04.2015 | The Day of the Serbian Armed Forces at the Military Medical Academy

On the occasion of 23 April, the Day of the Serbian Armed Forces, a ceremony was held at the Military Medical Academy.

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22.04.2015 | Course in Leadership Skills Began at the MMA

The Leadership Course "Development of leadership skills", organized by the Department for the development of psychological activities of the Human Resources of the Ministry of Defence began today at the Military Medical Academy.

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22.04.2015 | Norwegian Delegation at MMA

The delegation of the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Norway, headed by the Secretary of State Eistan Bo, who is on a visit to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, visited the Military Medical Academy too.


20.04.2015 | Celebrated 54 Years of MMA’s Institute of Scientific Information

The ceremony marking the 54th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Scientific Information, Military Medical Academy was held on 15 April 2015 at the MMA.

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17.04.2015 | About Vaccination at MMA

The continuing medical education course titled "Vaccines - the safest protection against infectious diseases", organized by the Institute of Epidemiology, the Sector for Preventive Medicine, the Military Medical Academy was held at the MMA.

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17.04.2015 | Meeting of Nephrologists at MMA

The regular meeting of Nephrology Section of the Serbian Medical Society, organized by the Nephrology Clinic of the Military Medical Academy was held at the MMA.

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17.04.2015 | American Lecturers on Medical Logistics and Supply

Course on medical logistics and medical supplies was held from 15th to 17th April 2015 at the Training Centre of the Military Medical Service, the Sector for Education and Scientific Research MMA.


13.04.2015 | Announcement

Based on the assessed changed epidemiological situation in the Republic of Serbia, patients’ visits at the Military Medical Academy are again allowed as of Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 in general visiting hours on Tuesday and Thursday from 16.00 to 17.30, on Saturday and Sunday, and during state holidays from 15.00 to 17.00.


08.04.2015 | Lecture on New Oral Anticoagulants

The expert meeting on effectiveness and safety of new oral anticoagulant drugs in the organization of the Clinic for Cardiology and Clinic for Emergency Internal Medicine MMA was held at the Military Medical Academy.



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