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26.05.2015 | About Bronchus Cancer

The continuing medical education course titled "Modern approach to bronchus cancer treatment", organized by the MMA’s Clinic for Pulmonology was held at the MMA.

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25.05.2015 | “School of Anesthesia” Seminar Held

The seminar titled "School of anesthesia and intensive therapy" organized by the Clinic for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Military Medical Academy, was held from 21 to 22 May 2015 at the MMA.


21.05.2015 | Exercise "Spring 2015" Completed

The final camping and demonstration exercise "Spring 2015" of the 7th class of candidates for medical service reserve officers, and I class of cadets of the MMA’s Faculty of Medicine of the Defence University in Belgrade, organized by the Military Medical Training Center of the MMA’s Sector for Education and Scientific Research, was held at the Military Medical Academy.

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18.05.2015 | American Lecturers on Trauma Nursing

A course in the field of trauma nursing organized by the Training Center of the Military Medical Services of the Sector for Education and Scientific Research MMA was completed on 15th May, 2015 at the Military Medical Academy.

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18.05.2015 | On Bioengineering and Medical Informatics

The symposium on bioengineering and medical informatics in modern diagnostics and therapy organized by the Institute of Medical Research MMA and the MMA’s Faculty of Medicine of the University of Defence in Belgrade, under the auspices of BioEMIS Tempus project was held at the Military Medical Academy.

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15.05.2015 | Cooperation with the British Military Medical Services

During the course "The effects of highly toxic chemicals, preventive measures and treatment," which was organized from 12 to 14 May 2015, at the Military Medical Academy for four members of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom, the General Director of the Army Medical Services of the United Kingdom, Major General Jeremy Rowan visited the Military Medical Academy.


14.05.2015 | Visit of Cadets of the Naval Academy of the Kingdom of Norway

Representatives of the Naval Academy of the Kingdom of Norway led by professors Hans Jorgen Breiland Viborg and Ose Gilje Østensen visited the MMA’s Medical Faculty of the University of Defence in Belgrade within the program of intercultural cooperation.


12.05.2015 | International Nurses Day Celebrated at MMA

The International Nurses Day was marked at the ceremony in the amphitheater of the Military Medical Academy. On that occasion, Defence Minister Bratislav Gasic presented the traditional recognition award to a nurse of the year at the MMA, which this year Dragana Lazarevic received,the head nurse of the II Department of General Surgery Clinic.


08.05.2015 | Ebola as a Global Threat

The course entitled "Ebola-regional problem that has grown into a global threat," organized by the Institute of Epidemiology, Sector for Preventive Medicine was held at the Military Medical Academy.


08.05.2015 | Great Interest in Study Visits of Students from Europe to MMA

Students of vocational high school for nurses in the UK paid a visit to the Military Medical Academy from 5 to 8 May 2015. Besides them, the Military Medical Academy was visited in the same period by representatives of the Education Centre Orebro, Sweden.



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