
13.03.2015 | Expert Meeting of Pulmonologists at MMA

Expert meeting with international participation and a workshop titled "Bronchoscopic procedures in large respiratory airways" in the organization of Pulmonology Clinic of the Military Medical Academy will be held on Friday, 27 March 2015, starting at 9:00 am in the amphitheater of the Military Medical Academy.

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06.03.2015 | Ceremony of Diploma Awards to Specialists and Sub-Specialists at MMA

On the occasion of the Day of the Military Medical Academy and the Day of the MMA Medical Faculty, the diploma awards ceremony was held for individuals who in the period between two jubilees successfully completed specializations or sub- specializations at the MMA.


05.03.2015 | Visit of Foreign Students

Seven students of vocational high school for nurses from Spain and Switzerland have started their official visit of MMA within the traditional students’ exchange at the level of European Nursing Module Network - ENM.


03.03.2015 | Marking the Day of MMA Medical Faculty

The expert meeting was held on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 in the amphitheater of the Military Medical Academy as a part of the celebration of the Day of MMA and the Day of Medical Faculty MMA, University of Defence in Belgrade.

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02.03.2015 | Celebration of Military Medical Academy’s Day

The ceremony and recognition awards on the occasion of 171 anniversary of the Military Medical Academy were held in the Army House.


02.03.2015 | President Nikolic extends best wishes for the Day of the MMA

On the occasion of the Day of the Military Medical Academy, 2nd March, I take this opportunity to extend my best wishes to all the members of the Military Medical Academy on their holiday.


02.03.2015 | Best wishes of the Defence Minister on the occasion of the MMA Day

By your expertise, professionalism and medical ethics you are continuing the tradition of the Central Military Hospital, which laid the foundations for the General Military Hospital, the predecessor of today's MMA. During nearly two centuries of existence and work, you managed to make a name in our country, but also in the region and the world.


02.03.2015 | Chief of General Staff Congratulates the Day of MMA

On the occasion of 2nd March - Military Medical Academy’s Day I congratulate on behalf of the Serbian Armed Forces and my own the anniversary to all members of the Military Medical Academy.


27.02.2015 | MMA Awarded with Military Quality Control Certificate

The Acting Chief of the Military Medical Academy Colonel prof. Dr. Zoran Segrt has received today in the House of Guards in Topcider Military Quality Control Certificate of Material Resources Sector of the Ministry of Defence.

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27.02.2015 | Promoted 104th Class of Military Medical Service Reserve Officers

The ceremony marking the completion of schooling of the 104th class for Military Medical Service reserve officers was held on 27 February 2015 at the Military Academy.



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