
Announcement of Book Promotion "Dermatology"

08.06.2016 | У најави

Promotion of the book "Dermatology" written by a group of authors led by the former Head of the Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases MMA Colonel retired Prof. Dr. Djordjije Karadaglic, will be held on Friday, 10 June 2016 at 12.00 am in the amphitheater of the Military Medical Academy.


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Melanoma 2016

30.05.2016 | У најави

The program of continuing medical education "Melanoma 2016" organized by the Intersectional Committee for Melanoma of the Serbian Medical Society, the Serbian Association of Medical Oncologist, Clinic for Dermatology and Venereal Diseases and the Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Burns, Military Medical Academy, will be held on June 1, 2016, starting at 9.30 am at the Military Medical Academy.



International Nurses Day marked at MMA

11.05.2016 | У најави

The Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic, the State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence Nenad Neric, employees at the Military Medical Academy and numerous guests attended the ceremony on the occasion of marking the International Nurses Day at the MMA.



MMA at Spring Health Festival

15.03.2016 | У најави

Military Medical Academy will participate in the Spring Festival of Health which, under the slogan "Do something good for your health today" will be held from 17 to 18 March 2016 in the Youth Center in Belgrade.



ENT Surgery Aired Online at MMA

14.03.2016 | У најави

An accredited first category course named "ENT Surgery Live - online" organized by the MMA ENT Clinic will be held in the period from 31 March to 1 April, 2016 at the MMA.



Exhibition of Paintings of the Day Hospital Patients

03.03.2016 | У најави

The one-day exhibition of works by patients of Day Clinic for Psychiatry MMA will be held on Friday, March 4, 2016, in the period from 10.00 to 20.00 hours in the great hall of Central Military Club (Brace Jugovic 19, Belgrade).



Marking the Day of MMA and MMA’s Faculty of Medicine

03.03.2016 | У најави

Marking the Day of MMA and Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, University of Defence in Belgrade will be held on 3 March 2016 at 11 am in the amphitheatre of MMA.



Marking the Day of the Military Medical Academy

29.02.2016 | У најави

The ceremony marking the 2nd of March – Day of the Military Medical Academy, also the 172 years of the MMA, will be held on Wednesday, 2 March 2016 in the House of the SAF(Brace Jugovic 19), starting at 11.00.



Examinations on the occasion of MMA’s Day

26.02.2016 | У најави

On the occasion of March 2, the Day of the Military Medical Academy, the Clinic for Endocrinology MMA organizes examinations for the citizens in order to prevent complications in patients with diabetes.



Donor Cards Signing in Peacekeeping Operation Center

24.02.2016 | У најави, Актуелности

The Military Medical Academy will within a course "Gender and Protection of Civilians in Peacekeeping Operations" in the organization of the SAF Center for Peacekeeping Operations represent the organ pledge program.




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