International symposium on stem cell transplantation at MMA
15.11.2017 | У најави
The symposium on the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in the treatment of malignant haemopathies organized by the Military Medical Academy’s Hematology Clinic will be held on Friday, November 17, 2017, starting at 10.00 am at the MMA amphitheater.
Marking World COPD Day
14.11.2017 | У најави
World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Day will be marked at the Military Medical Academy on November 16th, 2017 between 9.00 a.m. and 02.00 p.m. On that occasion, all interested citizens will have the opportunity of free examinations.
MMA at the Autumn Health Festival
31.10.2017 | У најави, Актуелности
The Military Medical Academy will participate in the autumn Health Festival, which will be held from November 2nd to 3rd, 2017, at Dom Vojske in Belgrade (19 Brace Jugovic Street).
Announcement of the course of severely traumatized treatment
29.05.2017 | У најави
The course of continuing medical education “Management of patients with severe trauma ", organized by the Training Center of the Military Healthcare Service of the Sector for Education and Scientific Research of the Military Medical Academy will be held from 15th to 16th June 2017 in the hall of the Scientific-Teaching Council of MMA.
Announcement of the book promotion by William Hunter
23.05.2017 | У најави
Book promotion "Outbreaks of spotted fever in Serbia in 1915" by William Hunter, will be held on Wednesday, 24 May 2017 at 13.00 in the amphitheater of the Military Medical Academy.
Lecture in "MMA School of Parenting”
20.04.2017 | У најави
A lecture within the "MMA School of Parenting” on the topic "Have young people replaced the day by night" will be held on Friday, 21 April 2017 at 13.00 am in the Library of the Children's Department of the Military Medical Academy.
MMA Dermatologists in Campaign for Early Skin Cancer Detection
20.04.2017 | У најави
Dermatologists of the Military Medical Academy will take part in the campaign for the early detection of skin cancer "Examination for all" organized by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian Association of Dermatovenerologists, B92 Fund and a company Eucerin Serbia.
Dermatological Examinations within Euromelanoma Campaign
10.04.2017 | У најави
Free examinations of moles and other pigmented lesions for citizens within the pan-European campaign for the prevention of skin cancer "Euromelanoma 2017" will be organized in 27 cities throughout Serbia.
MMA at Spring Health Festival
04.04.2017 | У најави
Military Medical Academy will take part in the Spring Health Festival that will be held under the slogan "Nothing is more important than health," on 5 and 6 April, 2017 at the Youth Center in Belgrade (22 Makedonska Street).
Expert meeting on Valjevo Hospital
14.03.2017 | У најави
An event dedicated to the importance of Valjevo hospital during the major disease outbreak in 1914-1915, organized by the Academy of Medical Sciences, Section of History of Medicine Serbian Medical Society, the National Museum Valjevo and the Military Medical Academy will be held on Thursday, 16 March 2017 at 10.00 am in the amphitheater of the Military Medical Academy.