About us
A specialized institution with a long tradi­tion you can trust?
Yes, the Military Medical Academy (MMA) is a medical, educational and scientific-research institution with an internationally acknowledged reputation. As a military hos­pital with centralized care, the MMA can en­sure that a consultation meeting of the most skilled medical experts can be called up in 10 minutes to respond to any kind of medi­cal problems. It was established in 1844. Under its roof the MMA has the Medical Faculty operating within the framework of Belgrade Defence University committed to creating new genera­tions of military doctors. MMA is also recognized as a scientific research center of excellence.

Is it the largest military hospital in Serbia, as well as in South-Eastern Europe and one of the largest in the world?
Yes, it is. The whole MMA complex covering the area of 21 hectares contains 180.000 sq m hospital building divided in more than 60 differ­ent technical-technological entities with 6.000 premises and the capacity of 1200 beds.
The Military Medical Academy has 26 clin­ics, 25 operating rooms, 11 institutes, the Outpa­tient Clinic, the Poison Control Center, the Emergency Department and the Solid Organ Transplantation Center performing more than 5000 diverse diagnostic and therapeutic pro­cedures. The MMA operates as a part of the Ministry of Defense. Thanks to its military organizational structure and commitment to providing the best, most comprehensive qual­ity medical care, it has been rewarded and recognized as a medical institution meeting the highest world standards. The MMA has always been opened to all our citizens, and since its full integration in the National Health System in 2008, it serves 40 percents of civil­ian patient population. Each year, it has more than 230.000 civilian outpatient visits, of which about 20.000 result in hospital ad­missions. Furthermore, on Wednesdays, its Emergency Department operates round the clock providing comprehensive emergency response services to the whole population of Serbia.

Is it a place where members of our politi­cal leadership and diplomatic corps are treated?
Yes, it is true. However, the MMA is an ex­ample of successful international coopera­tion, and an active participant in numerous bilateral and multilateral activities in the spheres of civilian and military healthcare. There are numerous foreign delegation vis­its the MMA hosts almost every day, and the deployment of its medical personnel to peacekeeping missions is also considered very important.
When we say the MMA, we think of the best care we can offer to all our patients.

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